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 Children Of Revolution de Moi

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Nombre de messages : 133
Age : 41
Localisation : Paschendale
Date d'inscription : 05/12/2007

Children Of Revolution de Moi Empty
MessageSujet: Children Of Revolution de Moi   Children Of Revolution de Moi Mini_f10Lun 14 Jan - 23:16:14

Children Of The Revolution

It’s like a child who takes a gun
The great warchildren’s sent
They’re all sharpening their knives
They only trust their race
These boys are never afraid
And want to protect theirselves
When they bursted in the village
My heart leapt into my mouth

Children of the Revolution – they’re operating a change
Children of the Revolution – they think a way to go by

They don’t believe in the Nation
And they’re subject of superstitions
Breathe in the neck and the back
And they created their march
Swallows on a black winter
Fly away to the crying skies
Ashes of a child thrown to the sea
Bleak wood light by a glow

Children of the Revolution – they’re operating a change
Children of the Revolution – they think a way to go by

You and I –
are two children in the wind
You and I –
make war against the man madness
You and I –
try to walk on the sea
You and I –
try to defend the free...
- ...dom

Children of the Revolution – they’re operating a change
Children of the Revolution – they think a way to go by
Children of the Revolution – they’re operating a change
Children of the Revolution – they try to understand, why ?
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Children Of Revolution de Moi
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