Demostan Admin-Chronik
Nombre de messages : 9654 Age : 42 Localisation : Reims Date d'inscription : 20/08/2017
| Sujet: ROUGH TIMES Mar 4 Mai - 22:25:35 | |
| La nouvelle est tombée, et me fait bien plaisir... non, ce n'est pas (encore) le retour d' INFERNÖ RECORDS, même si on espère le revoir un jour ! Il s'agit de ROUGH TIMES, le webzine que vient de créer Fabien d'Infernö Records, en profitant de son break entamé il y a quelques temps avec le label. - - - C'est par ici !!!!!! - - - Voici le message de Fabien en anglais : "Hey Hellraiders & Beerdrinkers !
This is Fabien of INFERNO getting back to you ! Hope you're all well & fine in these difficult times ! Let's hope that covid189 SHITuation will soon be over and we can go back to "normal" asap !
I just wanted to give you some of my news... Being on a break from the label makes me feel better... Doing the label was too much time, stress, energy for just one guy .. i needed a break, do different things & have more time for me...
BUT for the moment, things are what they are... and I enjoy this break... so no news about the label now.. Maybe later, time will tell.. But you know me.. MUSIC is an addiction and I can't stay inactive... I have started a kinda "webzine" .. i hate this term, really, but truth is that it looks more like a webzine than a blog or whatever on the net.. This is called ROUGH TIMES and there, I intend sharing my impressions about bands & labels I love.. no matter the style.. hard-Core, Metal, Punk.. well, anything LOUD ! I don't intend following the current actuality with the countless albums released every day.. i'll talk about what I love when i want, when I have time for.. no stress.. PASSION first ! Take it or leave it !
You can also follow ROUGH TIMES on Facebook to find there more news & various things...
Thanks for your time & support - as always !
Keep SAFE ! Fabien"______________________________________________________________________________________"Lay down your souls to the gods rock 'n roll !!!" |
polo Administrateur
Nombre de messages : 26839 Age : 59 Localisation : Toulon Date d'inscription : 22/10/2006
| Sujet: Re: ROUGH TIMES Mer 5 Mai - 9:31:01 | |
| Fabien est toujours là de toute façon. INFERNO ne sera pas loin non plus. |