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 Dead Tree Seeds "ep back to the seed"+1er album "push the button" thrash metal paris

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2 participants
French Metal Knight
French Metal Knight

Nombre de messages : 4886
Age : 56
Localisation : aisne (02)
Date d'inscription : 11/08/2010

Dead Tree Seeds "ep back to the seed"+1er album "push the button" thrash metal paris Empty
MessageSujet: Dead Tree Seeds "ep back to the seed"+1er album "push the button" thrash metal paris   Dead Tree Seeds "ep back to the seed"+1er album "push the button" thrash metal paris Mini_f10Dim 22 Jan - 12:26:02

encore une grosse découverte..a vous de juger..amateur de slayer,testament etc...
Dead Tree Seeds "ep back to the seed"+1er album "push the button" thrash metal paris 20900110
Dead Tree Seeds "ep back to the seed"+1er album "push the button" thrash metal paris Dead-t10

Dead Tree Seeds "ep back to the seed"+1er album "push the button" thrash metal paris 28310811

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French Metal Knight
French Metal Knight

Nombre de messages : 4886
Age : 56
Localisation : aisne (02)
Date d'inscription : 11/08/2010

Dead Tree Seeds "ep back to the seed"+1er album "push the button" thrash metal paris Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dead Tree Seeds "ep back to the seed"+1er album "push the button" thrash metal paris   Dead Tree Seeds "ep back to the seed"+1er album "push the button" thrash metal paris Mini_f10Lun 23 Jan - 10:40:46

vous pouvez trouver ici leur cd physique ici..moi c'est commandé.
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Nombre de messages : 26793
Age : 59
Localisation : Toulon
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2006

Dead Tree Seeds "ep back to the seed"+1er album "push the button" thrash metal paris Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dead Tree Seeds "ep back to the seed"+1er album "push the button" thrash metal paris   Dead Tree Seeds "ep back to the seed"+1er album "push the button" thrash metal paris Mini_f10Lun 23 Jan - 18:23:25

YES ! Direct dans mes cordes ! Le riff du clip est terrible !
Merci Lycan pour cette seconde découverte du jour !
On a des sacrés groupes en France ! On rivalise largement avec la scène européenne !
Dead Tree Seeds "ep back to the seed"+1er album "push the button" thrash metal paris 328141696 Dead Tree Seeds "ep back to the seed"+1er album "push the button" thrash metal paris 328141696 Dead Tree Seeds "ep back to the seed"+1er album "push the button" thrash metal paris 328141696 Dead Tree Seeds "ep back to the seed"+1er album "push the button" thrash metal paris 328141696
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French Metal Knight
French Metal Knight

Nombre de messages : 4886
Age : 56
Localisation : aisne (02)
Date d'inscription : 11/08/2010

Dead Tree Seeds "ep back to the seed"+1er album "push the button" thrash metal paris Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dead Tree Seeds "ep back to the seed"+1er album "push the button" thrash metal paris   Dead Tree Seeds "ep back to the seed"+1er album "push the button" thrash metal paris Mini_f10Jeu 26 Jan - 10:15:43

polo a écrit:
YES ! Direct dans mes cordes ! Le riff du clip est terrible !
Merci Lycan pour cette seconde découverte du jour !
On a des sacrés groupes en France ! On rivalise largement avec la scène européenne !
Dead Tree Seeds "ep back to the seed"+1er album "push the button" thrash metal paris 328141696 Dead Tree Seeds "ep back to the seed"+1er album "push the button" thrash metal paris 328141696 Dead Tree Seeds "ep back to the seed"+1er album "push the button" thrash metal paris 328141696 Dead Tree Seeds "ep back to the seed"+1er album "push the button" thrash metal paris 328141696

complètement d'accord avec toi..
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French Metal Knight
French Metal Knight

Nombre de messages : 4886
Age : 56
Localisation : aisne (02)
Date d'inscription : 11/08/2010

Dead Tree Seeds "ep back to the seed"+1er album "push the button" thrash metal paris Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dead Tree Seeds "ep back to the seed"+1er album "push the button" thrash metal paris   Dead Tree Seeds "ep back to the seed"+1er album "push the button" thrash metal paris Mini_f10Ven 17 Fév - 18:16:14

Dead Tree Seeds "ep back to the seed"+1er album "push the button" thrash metal paris 32929910

hm5 hm5
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French Metal Knight
French Metal Knight

Nombre de messages : 4886
Age : 56
Localisation : aisne (02)
Date d'inscription : 11/08/2010

Dead Tree Seeds "ep back to the seed"+1er album "push the button" thrash metal paris Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dead Tree Seeds "ep back to the seed"+1er album "push the button" thrash metal paris   Dead Tree Seeds "ep back to the seed"+1er album "push the button" thrash metal paris Mini_f10Ven 3 Mai - 17:30:23

rappel de ce groupe qui ont sorti récemment leur nouvel album " toxic thoughts"

le mien bien reçu.
Dead Tree Seeds "ep back to the seed"+1er album "push the button" thrash metal paris 43817210
Dead Tree Seeds "ep back to the seed"+1er album "push the button" thrash metal paris 43812910
Dead Tree Seeds "ep back to the seed"+1er album "push the button" thrash metal paris 43926310

Dead Tree Seeds "ep back to the seed"+1er album "push the button" thrash metal paris 43865710

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Contenu sponsorisé

Dead Tree Seeds "ep back to the seed"+1er album "push the button" thrash metal paris Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dead Tree Seeds "ep back to the seed"+1er album "push the button" thrash metal paris   Dead Tree Seeds "ep back to the seed"+1er album "push the button" thrash metal paris Mini_f10

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Dead Tree Seeds "ep back to the seed"+1er album "push the button" thrash metal paris
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