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 PAT BENATAR "In the Heat of the Night" (1979)

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Nombre de messages : 2314
Age : 61
Localisation : 35370
Date d'inscription : 04/09/2010

PAT BENATAR  "In the Heat of the Night" (1979) Empty
MessageSujet: PAT BENATAR "In the Heat of the Night" (1979)   PAT BENATAR  "In the Heat of the Night" (1979) Mini_f10Dim 15 Fév - 9:36:44

un album que j'apprécis beaucoup

PAT BENATAR  "In the Heat of the Night" (1979) 114-2412

PAT BENATAR  "In the Heat of the Night" (1979) 114-2413


1. Heartbreaker 03:29
2. I Need a Lover 03:30
3. If You Think You Know How to Love Me 04:23
4. In the Heat of the Night 05:24
5. My Clone Sleeps Alone 03:29
6. We Live for Love 03:55
7. Rated X 03:17
8. Don't Let It Show 04:04
9. No You Don't 03:20
10. So Sincere

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PAT BENATAR "In the Heat of the Night" (1979)
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